Does religion (especially evangelicalism and Catholicism) keep minorities out of science? Do different racial minority groups within Christian traditions differ in their support for science? This research explores these and other related questions through a series of focus groups, participant observations, and in-depth interviews at three congregations in Houston. Religion, Inequality, and Science Education (RISE) received funding from Rice University, Elaine Howard Ecklund PI.
Religion, Inequality, and Science Education

Elaine Howard Ecklund
Professor of Sociology, Rice University

Cleve V. Tinsley IV
Assistant Professor of History and Political Science, Virginia Union University

Between the Prophetic and Priestly: The Role of Black Pastoral Authority in Health and Science Promotion
Journal of the American Academy of Religion

A Way Forward for Sociological Research on Science and Religion: A Review and a Riff
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science

Seeing is Achieving: Religion, Embodiment, and Explanations of Racial Inequality in STEM
Ethnic and Racial Studies

Heaven and Health: How Black, Latino, and Korean Christians View the Relationship between Faith and Health
Review of Religious Research
Citizen Science Engagement in Faith-Based Communities
Lutheran Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology