Jared Peifer is an associate professor of management at Baruch College. He was an RPLP postdoctoral fellow from 2011 to 2013. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from Cornell University in 2011. Jared’s research primarily focuses on the moral motivations of people as they engage in various economic activities. Most of his work in this vein explores the moral motivations of investors by focusing on socially responsible investing. He has also published work on charitable giving, environmental consumption, voluntary simplicity, materialism, and the commercialization of scientific research.
Jared Peifer

Examining Links Between Religion, Evolution Views and Climate-Change Skepticism
Environment and Behavior

Political Conservatism, Religion and Environmental Consumption in the United States
Environmental Politics

How Evangelicals from Two Churches in the American Southwest Frame Their Relationship with the Environment
Review of Religious Research

The Religiosity of Academic Scientists in the United Kingdom: Assessing the Role of Discipline and Department Status
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion

The Moral Limits of the Market: Science Commercialization and Religious Traditions
Journal of Business Ethics
Are the Late Stephen Hawking's Religious Beliefs Typical of U.K. Scientists?
Rice University News Release
Evangelicals Are More Skeptical of Evolution Than of Climate Change
Rice University News Release