In Religious Understandings of Science (RUS), we explore how religious Americans think through complex scientific issues. This project involved observing religious services, as well as 319 personal interviews with religious individuals from a variety of faith traditions, including Catholics, Jews, evangelical Christians, Muslims, and mainline Protestants. To complement the depth of these personal interviews, we conducted a broad, nationally representative survey of more than 10,000 Americans. A book based on the study’s findings, Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think, was published in December 2017. RUS received generous funding from the John Templeton Foundation, Elaine Howard Ecklund PI.
Religious Understandings of Science

Elaine Howard Ecklund
Professor of Sociology, Rice University

David R. Johnson
Associate Professor of Higher Education, Georgia State University

Simranjit Khalsa
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Memphis

Jared Peifer
Associate Professor of Management, Baruch College

Christopher P. Scheitle
Assistant Professor of Sociology, West Virginia University

Cleve V. Tinsley IV
Assistant Professor of History and Political Science, Virginia Union University
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John Templeton Foundation
West Conshohocken, PA
Funders, Past and Current
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think (Part 1)
Fondren Library, Rice University
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think (Part 2)
Fondren Library, Rice University