RPLP Videos

Dore Commons, Baker Institute, Rice University
Secularity and Science: What Scientists Around the World Really Think About Religion

RMC Chapel, Rice University
Faith at Work: Does It Work?

The Jung Center
Spirituality and Public Action

Room 309, Sewall Hall, Rice University
Religion and the University

Room 100, Herring Hall, Rice University
Faith During and After Harvey: One Year Later

Room 100, Herring Hall, Rice University
Religion and Social Media: Is There an App for That?

Room 100, Herring Hall, Rice University
Public Religion from West to East
Fondren Library, Rice University
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think (Part 2)

Fondren Library, Rice University
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think (Part 3)

Fondren Library, Rice University
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think (Part 4)

Fondren Library, Rice University
Religion vs. Science: What Religious People Really Think (Part 1)
Room 309, Sewall Hall, Rice University
Gender and Faith at Work

Sewall Hall, Rice University
Houston Congregations Engaged: Efforts to End Local Poverty

Room 100, Herring Hall, Rice University
Islam and Public Life: Addressing Stigmas and Stereotypes (Part 1)
Room 100, Herring Hall, Rice University
The Black Church and Politics

Sewall Hall, Rice University
Religion and Global Poverty

Sewall Hall, Rice University
Religion in the Workplace